Conference Scholarship

The Washington Museum Association (WaMA) provides scholarships each year to its Annual Meeting. Each scholarship will cover the costs of conference registration.

This includes: all events, meals, and sessions included in conference registration (including a pre-conference workshop and WaMA Banquet), a $200.00 stipend, and a one-year membership in the Washington Museum Association. Scholarship recipients must attend the conference to receive the stipend and the membership, and submit a written experience and photograph of their experience to WaMA for publication purposes. Applicants need not be a WaMA member to apply for a scholarship.The Washington Museum Association (WaMA) provides scholarships each year to its Annual Meeting. Each scholarship will cover the costs of conference registration. The submission deadline is Friday, March 14, 2025. 

The four scholarship categories are:

The Ellen Ferguson Student Scholarship: To be eligible, an applicant must be a current student in a college or university pursuing training in the museum or heritage fields. The museum or related field can include history, art, ethnology, heritage education, etc. The applicant must discuss his or her current student status, interest in the museum or related field, reasons for attending the conference, and need for a scholarship.

The Gus Norwood Volunteer Scholarship: To be eligible, an applicant must be a volunteer in any position at a museum of any size and type. The applicant must describe his or her volunteer position, reasons for attending the conference, and need for a scholarship.

The Robert Gruhn Working Professional Scholarship: To be eligible, an applicant must be a museum professional of any level, working in a museum of any size or type, who otherwise would not be able to attend the conference due to financial constraints. The applicant must describe his or her current status as a working professional, financial need for a scholarship, personal reasons for attending the conference, and the sponsoring museum’s reasons for the applicant to attend.

The WaMA Board Scholarship: To be eligible, an applicant must be a member of a museum board, governing a museum of any size or type, who otherwise would not be able to attend the conference because of financial constraints. The applicant must describe his or her current status as a museum board member, personal reasons for attending the conference, and the museum’s reasons for the applicant to attend the conference.

Scholarship Recipients


Ellen Ferguson Student Scholarship: Rachel Watson

Robert Gruhn Working Professional: Morganne Pockels, Collections Manager, Columbia Gorge Museum


Board Member Scholarship: Ruth Hamilton, Friends of Aberdeen

Ellen Ferguson Student Scholarship: Madelon Morrow, Johns Hopkins University

Board Member Scholarship: Chrissy Williams, Polson Museum

Robert Gruhn Working Professional Scholarship: Lillian Zhiyun Xie, Bainbridge Island Historical Museum


Ellen Ferguson Student Scholarship: Melissa Deszendeffy, Central Washington University

Ellen Ferguson Student Scholarship: Rachel Gassman, Central Washington University

Robert Gruhn Working Professional Scholarship: Rachel Regelein, Southwest Seattle Historical Society

Gus Norwood Volunteer Scholarship: Chrissy Williams, Poulson Museum


Ellen Ferguson Student Scholarship: Kyle Curtain, Pacific Lutheran University

Gus Norwood Volunteer Scholarship: Nives Mestrovic, Frye Art Museum

Robert Gruhn Working Professional Scholarship: Amy Bozorth, Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum