Conference FAQ

Why should I book my stay at the conference hotel location?

Booking in WaMA’s hotel room block benefits you and significantly impacts the conference’s affordability. WaMA has negotiated concessions and benefits with the hotel, many of which are based on ensuring attendees stay at the conference hotel. If WaMA does not meet our commitment to the hotel, we could be financially responsible for the lost revenue owed to the hotel.

How do I communicate accessibility needs to WaMA?

WaMA works to create an annual conference that is accessible to all. An accessibility request question is available during the registration process and can also be sent to [email protected]. If possible, please make accommodation requests no later than a month before the conference.

Do I have to register for the conference if I am a presenter?
Yes. To keep conference costs affordable, we require that everyone attending purchase registration. We have several registration options, including full and single-day registrations. Your registration costs directly support the conference.
I want to register for the conference, but is it too late?
We do our best to accommodate all attendees. Due to contractual obligations with the conference site, catering orders are required to be submitted two weeks prior to the conference. If you register for the conference after we close online registration, we may not be able to provide you with lunches during the conference.
I want to attend the banquet. Are banquet tickets an additional cost?

Yes, attending the banquet is an additional cost, and tickets are required. Due to contractual obligations with the caterer, catering orders are required to be submitted two weeks prior to the conference. We do our best to have some tickets available for purchase at the door, but we may not be able to accommodate all requests.

I want to attend a workshop. Are workshop tickets an additional cost?

Yes, attending a workshop is an additional cost, and tickets are required. We can accommodate a limited number of on-site registrations for each workshop.

We will have a registration form on-site for you to fill out and facilitate the payment process for registration.

I did not register for the conference. Do you offer on-site registration?

We offer on-site registration but cannot guarantee that you will receive lunch. On both days, there will be a registration desk at the welcoming reception and at the conference location.

We will have a registration form on-site for you to fill out and facilitate the payment process for registration.

Are there any events going on the night before the conference starts?

The evening prior to the conference, we have a welcome reception that is free for conference attendees to attend. During the registration process, we have a registration question asking if you will attend this event.

I registered for the conference, but I can no longer attend. What is your cancellation & refund policy?

If you are unable to attend the conference for any reason after registering, please email [email protected] to request a refund. Refund requests will be granted until May 23, 2025. No refunds will be processed after that date.

WaMA offers a transfer policy for individuals who can no longer attend the conference as planned. If you’d like to transfer your registration in full to another individual, please email [email protected]. The deadline for this is Thursday, June 5th, 2025, at 5 p.m.

WaMA is unable to divide a single registration among multiple people.

Can I bring a guest with me to attend tours and workshops?
Yes – you may register a guest to attend tours and workshops. Registration is required.
Will I have access to WIFI at the conference?

We cannot guarantee that WIFI will be available at the conference site. For the 2025 conference, WIFI is available at Campbell’s Resort. 

Is transportation provided to/from activities that take place outside of the conference hotel?

Transportation is not provided for pre-conference workshops, tours, and events that take place offsite from the conference location unless otherwise specified. Please email [email protected] if you need transportation for these pre-conference events. We cannot guarantee transportation; however, we will do our best to work with you and find a solution.

I have a question that has not been answered here. Who do I contact?

Please email [email protected] with any conference-related questions.