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Benefits of Membership
Membership Rates:
$15 Students
$15 Seniors (62+)
$25 Individual
$50 Institution–all volunteer
$75 Institution–paid staff
$150 Business/commercial
$300 Academic Institution (includes unlimited students)
All memberships include:
- Reduced registration fee for WaMA’s annual conference.
- Exclusive access to our quarterly e-News newsletter.
- Timely updates on job listings, grant opportunities, legislative issues, and other current museum topics via our e-Blasts.
- Free listings on WaMA’s job board.
- A network of people dedicated to museum advocacy, professional standards, and Washington State’s cultural, natural, and scientific legacies.
Additional benefits for Institutional Members:
- Two conference registrations at the discounted member rate.
- Eligibility to host the Registrars to the Rescue Program (R2R).
Additional benefits for Business Members:
- Recognition in the e-News newsletter.
- Eligibility to host a booth at WaMA’s annual conference with over 150 attendees.
- Eligibility to distribute printed materials in conference packets.
Additional benefits for Academic Institutions:
- Unlimited member benefits for students enrolled in your museum program.
- Reduced conference registration for all students.
- Eligibility to host the Annual Conference, networking, and other development activities.